

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tesing background design again

I want the pattern in the background to crawl onto the posting block.. but I don`t know how to do this, so now i am testing out some new techniques..

So i finally found out. That i would have to use a white field in the middle of the page. Than make shadows on the brushes. ( Dark brushes in its own layer ) .
The white field has to be wider than the blogpage. My blogpage is 900 pixels wide.
Here my background is 1300 pixels wide. Fixed.
I have quite a wide screen on my computer. Most people have now. But I can see on the other two computers we have here, that has "shorter"screens, that the background dissapears completely. But if I make it narrower, it will leave an empty space on wide screens.

So i decided to colour the blogpostingbackground white. So if you are viewing this on a narrow screen, you will only see white background. Better than the pattern interfeering with the text.
The result of the pink background can be seen on my other blog HERE

I made the dark brush strokes with a pattern brush ( photoshop, but same can be used in Gimp ) than a drop down shadow and a gradient overlay. Smooth transparent and pink.

1 comment:

Som mine dager er said...

Dette kan du! Noen av de fineste bakgrunnsbildene jeg har sett i det siste.

Med en bredde på 1300 forsvinner nok noe av bloggen ut i det blå, slik du sier. Min erfaring er at man ikke bør overskride 1000 pixler, da vil de aller fleste kunne se hele bloggen.

Har hatt så lyst til å bruke to farger i bloggen min, men akkurat DET sliter jeg veldig med. Får det ikke til! Har da litt HTML forståelse, men nå har det stoppet seg. Huff og lell, skal prøve videre. Ble iallefall inspirert av dette! Liker veldig godt den rosa bakgrunnen du har på Turbo-Lotte.

Klem fra Marit